Sticker Competition – Winner!

The entries are in and the competition is now closed.

The winner of the sticker design who will get a T shirt and some stickers made up – Oliver Green!

This logo design we really liked, encompassed the track and the white sandy waves… cheers Ol.


The best of the rest you can see in the gallery below. Thanks for all the entries!

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Sticker Design required!

We always like to keep things fresh here at Bolehills, and evolving fresh designs helps have new products that can be used to keep the track running.

We’re looking  to come up some fresh design for the Bolehills stickers and possibly some tees. Something linked to the track, get your creative side fired up!

We’ll accept designs through direct messaging through our Facebook page and Instagram account and will be closing the submissions in a few weeks. The chosen design will get a load of stickers through the post and a t-shirt.